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Product Details
Child Flight Safety - In-Flight Vest - Newborn to 6 Months
SKU: TV152001
For parents needing to travel by air with a small child, this lightweight vest offers peace of mind during flight. Surprisingly, over 90% of all injuries occur during flight, mainly due to turbulence, vs. during take-off, taxi or landing. Children are often left unprotected during flight and are frequently unstrapped or removed from their car seats. Parents are encouraged to secure their child throughout the flight.
The soft cotton vest is placed over the child's head and is secured on both sides by adjustable straps under the baby's arms. The third strap comes from behind, between the baby's legs, and buckles to the front with another adjustable strap. Excess strap material secures neatly to the vest with Velcro.
Small vest fits most children up to 6 months. Neck opening is not adjustable. SMALL fits child up to 40 lbs with head measuring less than 16 inches around.
Large vest fits most children from 6 months to 2 years. Neck opening is not adjustable. LARGE fits child up to 40 lbs with head measuring from 16 to 20 inches around.
Choose smallest size that allows child's head to fit through the neck opening without the body slipping through. Maximum weight limit is 40 lbs. The FAA requires children over 2 to have their own seat.
The vest can be worn just like any other garment since it is constructed of 100% cotton and is comfortable to wear. After take-off, the parent places his or her seat belt through the loop on the back of the vest, and then re-fastens/re-tightens the seat belt. The child can then be held, fed and even changed while both parent and child remain securely fastened. The parent can read, eat or even nap knowing the baby cannot fall or leave the seat.
The vest is NOT for use during takeoff, taxi, and landing. FAA regulations ban all devices other than approved car seats during takeoff, taxi and landing. The applicable FAA regulation, known as a CFR, is clearly marked on the back of each vest for the benefit of the parent and flight personnel. These regulations may also be found on the card that came with the vest. It is a good idea to keep this card handy when you use the vest on any airline to show to any flight attendant who may be unfamiliar with the rule.